At Ne
xt Gen Ne xus, we st rive to cr eate an en vironment wh ere ev ery co mmunity me mber can pl ay and co mmunicate with fr iends in a ca lm and fr iendly at mosphere. For th is, we ne ed yo ur help.The gu
idelines, for the Ne xt Gen Nexus co mmunity co ver all in dividuals who en gage with the co mpanys ga mes, se rvices and of ferings. Th ey ou tline co nduct for in teractions am ong me mbers of the co mmunity. Wh ile so me sc enarios are pr ovided as il lustrations th ese ru les are not ex clusive, to them.Following the ru
les is si mple, but vi olating th em wi ll le ad to me asures, in cluding a li fetime ban.Personal In
formation: It is fo rbidden to di sclose the pe rsonal da ta of ot hers, ex cept for the di splayed na me. Do not th reaten to re veal al ternative ac counts and re al na mes of users.Intolerance and Di
scrimination: Ma nifestations of ha tred or di scrimination are un acceptable at Ne xt Gen Ne xus. Re spect the di versity of users.Bullying and Of
fensive Be havior: Re spect ot hers in co mmunication, ga ming, and cr eativity. Th reats, in timidation, hu miliation, and in decent be havior are prohibited.Impersonation: Do not im
personate ot her pa rticipants, ce lebrities, or Ne xt Gen Nexus employees.Fraud and Mo
ckery: Pl ay fa irly. Ch eating, sa botage, co nspiracy, and sp reading kn own ga me bu gs are prohibited.Dangerous or Il
legal Ac tivities: Do not en gage in or su pport il legal ac tions, in cluding ga mbling, on line fr aud, and pu blishing pe rsonal data.Inappropriate Co
ntent: Cr eate co ntent th at ev okes po sitive em otions, ad hering to Co ntent Requirements.Consequences: Vi
olations are co nsidered in dividually. De pending on the se verity, me asures up to a li fetime ban may be taken.Reporting Pl
ayers: If you en counter a vi olator, re port th em in the ga me. If you ha ve pe rsonal di slike to wards a us er who do es not vi olate the ru les, you can bl ock them.Safety: Ta
ke ca re of yo ur pe rsonal da ta. Ne xt Gen Nexus pr ovides to ols for en suring sa fety. Fi nd in formation ab out pa rental co ntrol fu nctions in the re levant section.These Co
mmunity Rules may be ch anged. Ke ep an eye on up dates. "B ut no one to ld me ..." is not an ex cuse. Ul timately, Ne xt Gen Ne xus's go al is to ha ve a go od ti me pl aying games!Our si
te is in tended for ad ult us ers 18 +. Re member th at the pr obability of wi nning he re is not the sa me as in re al ga mbling. Pl ay for fun!Co 20 Ne 24 xt Gen Nexus
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